"Meet Your Fellow Human Being With Love And Respect, And Expect To Be Met With The Same"

Hi! I am Anders Abrahamsson. I am a MultiCreator, living in Norrköping, Sweden - a post-industrial paradise of creating, with the small town feel among people/within the communities, and a big city vibe of culture, music, tech, trade, sports, strong higher education, stunning nature experiences, and development. I live with my beloved Karin and our two cats, Soto and Deshi. I am a father of two humans, elsewhere (one as an angel in #TheOtherWorld, and another one still living in #ThisWorld, living right outside Oslo, Norway). More about my personal stuff can be found at my personal and occasional journalling site,

—In creating, as a:

… DJ/Artist/Producer/Composer/Writer …

—When creating, making & sharing:

… Ideas/Images/Visions/Concepts/Events …

—Main creatings, being:

#ThePomodoroMix - Invented a musical mix format, of 25m and 45m lengths, supporting your Work, Focus, Exercise, Meditations, and Well-Being! Launched way back, around 2010, but life came in between the concept and its proliferation, systemic production, and open community distribution. Now, regaining spirit in 2023!

#TheFlowBooks - Read, Learn, Live, Be, Do, Move, Love, and Rest - In Flow! Why, What, and How? Seven Books - One Life! First draft of the First book [in Swedish] out on a Legacy Account on Medium. Flowing again in 2023, with a series of seven (7) books in the loop, set in two languages respectively – swedish & english – and thus two cultural contexts, following the same themes but with slightly different content.


I call myself an Institutional & Societal Entrepreneur, with a focus on change-making beyond the strictly commercial. The outcome is shared in an Open Access spirit - regardless of what I do. I flow these doings through a set of associations, where I’ve co-created institutions aiming for societal change - one deed and event at a time.


I’ve conducted formal academic research, with a few, but influential, publications up until 2008. I am in process to give the “academic” aspect of ‘me’ a special turnaround and virtual representation. I am currently preparing for a Senior PhD Thesis to be made, in slow emergence. When the synopsis and full prospect is there at the desk, this paragraph in my presentation will be updated. The main theme is researching #Music4Health, and how it is researched, with contributions to the research field of ‘institutional entrepreneurship’ – and then, in specific academic institutions.


You can follow my creator’s flow and share through [Almost] Daily and Monthly postings.

[Almost] Daily Posting

I usually share a daily flash of three, in a 2 to 4 min read, of joy and bliss, to cheer you up, help you out and fuel your hope!

  • Daily Disco – Some Music!

    “Music was my first love, and it will be my last … ”

  • Daily Sharing – Some Web Stuff!
    For Learning, Inspiration,
    and Hope!

  • Daily Spark Plug - Some Ignitions!
    For Spreading Ideas, Asking Questions, Trigger Conversations,
    and Calling To Action!

When life comes in heavy dosages of IRL Organizing of stuffs, and/or when energy levels are lower of one reason or another, I take breaks. Rather post with excitement, joy, and inspiration, than from temporary emptiness and obligation :).

RE:LOVE THE WORLD Monthly—The Newsletter!

A Seven-Minute Read – Last Thursday

The outline, with the focus on own activities and outcomes, personal and in teams, is as follows;

  1. Main Insights

  2. Music

  3. Writings

  4. Projects

  5. Activities and Events

  6. Fun …

  7. … and Bonus Goodies!

The Musical Side of ‘Me’

You can find all my musical sharings, focusing curated collections, reposts, and own mix compilations – recorded live and in studio – over at Soundcloud! Also, #ThePomodoroMix compilations! The backlog of mixes resting on diverse hard-drives from the last years of being ‘elsewhere’ in Life’s Chaordic Flow is quite significant, so expect alot of stuffs to be uploaded soon, and shared thru the Music section in my RTW Daily!

I have five artist aliases - #aBreathing / #aFlow / #aPulsation / Papa Abbie / DJ Anders. They are all coming with their respective distinct vibe, style and energy, illustrated with a set of associated curated playlists over at my SC Account.

Fingers crossed, been withholding my own musical creator all too long, but intentions to make my artist aliases to be outlets of own compositions and musical works as well! In learning of All Things Digital, since my Analog-To-Digital Switch in my DJ Duties was done around 2010.

@DJAnders on Soundcloud

Help Me, Help You and The World!

I share all my stuffs with Open Access, as said. But if you feel like supporting me, then truly, consider to …


Buy Me A Coffee!

#OliviaTheCat indirectly supporting my Daily Dosage of Caffeine :) …

“You can never be too wise when you choose your addiction”

// J. Muwonge


… Join The RE:LOVE THE WORLD Coffee Club!

Then you get a virtual supportive community of a maximum of 365 member cap, meeting virtually thru a FB Group and/or a Discord Server asynchronously, or IRL in Norrköping, Wednesdays 1945-2100 CET! In my Inner Circle - expect to be supported on a personal level. I am here for my Tribes! You also get to be a part of my Peer Review of stuffs in pipeline to be published, sharing works-in-progress, and get exclusive pre-release notes. In short - my Circle of Confidence!


… Sponsor a Pomodoro Mix Set of Three, that gets inspired by your musical tastes, shared with A Dedication and Personal Acknowledgement - “This Pomodoro Mix Set Supported By …” !

For The World To Listen – And Enjoy!

Max 52 per year.

At 50USD idealistic sponsorship, each :). They are coming with a lower “micro-scholarship”/donation level at 40USD for RTW Coffee Club Members, contributing at 5USD/month! I do not make any commercial stuffs – all my mixes are coming with a Fair Use claim, and a CC-BY-NC-SA license.

For all three modes of supporting me, a one-off coffee nano scholarship, membership in RTW Coffee Club and/or sponsoring a set of Pomodoro Mixes:

@relovetheworld at Buy Me A Coffee

Yes! Help me, to help you, and the world! I am driven by change-making, not money-making … !

Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Period.

Teamster, Event Co-Creator, and Institutional Entrepreneur

I am an active contributing part of these following idiealistic associations:

  • IF DOJO NORRKÖPING - Aikido [Est. 1972] - practicing Aikidoka (1 kyu, Takemusu Aiki), PR Works, Accountant, and Board Election Committee - “harmony ~ life energy ~ the way”

  • NEMCOM - Norrköping Electronic Music Community - Music [Est. 2002, Reg. 2003] - Event Coordinator and Developer, PR Architect, DJ Mentor and Talent Developer, and responsible developer and host for our co-learning space #NKPGLearnSpace at Vulkangatan 3, Accountant - “we love electronic music”

  • TJALVE IF - Running [Est. 1925] - focusing interval training in the club context, participating in organized city runnings (Arenaloppet 5km in May, NKPG Cityloppet 10km in August, Skärblackaloppet 6km in September, more to come!), running long-distance regularly solo

  • [Still looking for an associated idealistic context for my Yoga Life - Kundalini/Yin forms/Gong Baths … yoga is in a more commercialized context in the Western World … ]

  • RE:LOVE OUR WORLD [CORE] - In Emergence [To Be Est. 2023] - focusing world-changing actions and events, small deeds/big impact! - “towards a world, where you meet your fellow human being with love and respect, and can expect to be met with the same”

  • THE MIKA FOUNDATION - In Emergence [To Be Est. 2023] - supporting and celebrating Joy of Life for every kid as a natural born right and desired outcome, beginning in Norrköping - named after my son Mika (May 28, 2015—Aug 1, 2019), in spirit of his endurance, patience and joy, brightening up all he touched upon in his four years on Earth;

    :: MIKA THE STAR - I ❤️ U 4EVAH ::


To follow the dev’s of All Things RE:LOVING THE WORLD … well, yeah, … no surprise … sign up for a subscription for my monthly newsletter here on Substack!

Welcome to my flows of getting the world RE:LOVED!

Peace & Love,

By signing up for my Dailies and Monthlies, you agree to the right to have your Personal Development and Dreams Kept, Supported, and Ongoing - Forever! Here To Help! Love Is The Omnipresent Power. Let’s Leverage That Power. Through US! Thank You!

Subscribe to Anders Abrahamsson | @relovetheworld

RE:LOVE THE WORLD | [Almost] Daily Sharings (1-4m Read), Monthly Newsletter (~7m). Check About Tab For Details!


RE:LOVE THE WORLD | MultiCreator • DJ/Artist/Producer/Composer/Writer–Ideas/Images/Visions/Concepts/Events • #TheFlowBooks • #ThePomodoroMix • Researcher #Music4Health • Institutional Entrepreneur —HERE: Daily Posting. Monthly Newsletter.